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日期:2023-4-80 次浏览






Healthy eating is not only important for your diet, it's also important as a part of your personal well-being. Eating healthy can drastically improve your physical fitness, allow you to feel better about yourself, and do wonders for you health. Healthy eating doesn't mean you have to follow a strict diet, or give up foods you love. You just need to balance the amount of types of foods you eat to obtain all the necessary nutrients. It's a good idea to limit the fattening foods such as fast food, pizzas, etc... but you don't necessarily have to completely avoid them.Starting healthy eating habits at a young age will possibly help people as they get older. Learning about the importance of proper nutrition at a young age will help to establish lifelong healthy eating habits and will improve the health of children. But nutrition alone will not guarrantee good health. Combining a balanced diet with physical activity will help your child to live a long and healthy life. Start the new school year off right by teaching your children about the importance of proper nutrition and physical activity for a healthier future. All of these things add up to eating healthier.Fast food combines two of our favorite desires. It gives things in a hurry and food which most people now a days like to see. Unfortunately, it also is likely to combine a lot of fat and calories. But it doesn’t have to if we’re careful. You can still get food in a hurry, but try these suggestions. Order a lean roast beef sandwich. Order grilled chicken sandwiches and do the fixings "your way." Keep the portions to regular and small. No "double" anything or "going large." Order items without the cheese is also helpful.


健康的饮食习惯 英语作文

一忌早晨一醒就吃早餐 忆百孝心健康小贴士:每个人在早晨起床后应该先喝水,把夜间睡觉时消耗的水分给补充回来,在活动了二十到三十分钟以后,再吃早饭对人体比较有益。 二忌早餐营养过盛 许多人很关心自己的健康,比较重视早餐的营养,很多人在早餐食物的选择上尽可能的丰富,喜欢在早餐时候吃一些高蛋白、热量、脂肪的食物,比如奶酪、披萨、油炸腿、煎炸类食品等等。不过他们不知道,过于丰盛的早餐只会加重对肠胃的负担,根本起不到养身的效果。在清晨,人体的胃脏等器官反应都比较迟缓,早餐的营养过于丰富会超过胃肠的消化能力,食物一般都不能充分被消化吸收,长此下去会导致,胃脏的功能下降,肠道疾病以及引发肥胖。 忆百孝心健康小贴士:吃早餐必须选择营养均衡法则,食用一些比较容易消化吸收,低脂低糖、纤维质高的食物,比如稀饭、奶制品、豆浆、饺子、馄饨等,切忌吃油炸、干硬以及刺激性的食品,也不应该吃得太饱。三忌常吃“奶类制品” 很多人每天早餐时的饮品都首选牛奶,许多人在选择奶类饮品时通常会把“纯牛奶”和“早餐奶”进行混淆,但其实这两种奶是有区别的。纯牛奶以及早餐奶它们虽然都有牛奶成分,但在营养和配料上都有许多不同的地方。纯牛奶一般为鲜牛奶,而早餐奶的配料包括牛奶、水、麦精、花生、蛋粉、燕麦、稳定剂、铁强化剂、锌强化剂等;早餐奶的蛋白质含量一般为2.3%以上,而纯牛奶的蛋白质含量通常在2.9%-3.1%之间。个人在进食时应该选择适合自己的,并调整相应的食物搭配,才更有利健康。早餐时候应该吃早餐奶还是除牛奶呢? 忆百孝心健康小贴士:将两种奶相比,早餐奶的营养均衡,更适合早餐饮用;纯牛奶的碳水化合物比例相对较低,进食时最好可以搭配一些淀粉类食物、或者坚果类食物。四忌用“牛奶加鸡蛋”代替主食 “牛奶加鸡蛋”是很多人早餐的主要内容,可其实这样的早餐搭配并不科学。清晨的人体急需靠含有丰富碳水化合物的早餐来补充身体所需的能量,但是牛奶和鸡蛋本身虽然富含高蛋白,但它们提供的优质蛋白主要是供给身体结构的,不能给身体供应足够的能量,人在进食后很快会感到饥饿,对肠胃有一定的危害,并会间接影响人的工作效率和学习效率,对儿童的影响最大。 忆百孝心健康小贴士:早餐时主食一定不能缺,在吃牛奶、鸡蛋的同时,应搭配稀粥、面包、馒头等主食补充能量,这类谷类食物可以使人体得到足够的碳水化合物,并有利于牛奶的吸收。 五忌“油条加豆浆”作为早餐相比较为西化的“牛奶加鸡蛋”,中国传统的“油条加豆浆”受到更多人的喜爱,但“油条加豆浆”的吃法同样不利健康。油条在高温油炸过程中,营养素被破坏,并产生致癌物质,对人体健康不利,此外油条跟其他煎炸食品一样都存在油脂偏高、热量高的问题,早上进食不易消化,再加上豆浆也属于中脂性食品,这种早餐组合的油脂量明显超标,不宜长期食用。 忆百孝心健康小贴士:早餐最好少吃豆浆加油条,一星期不宜超过2次;进食当天的午、晚餐应该尽量清淡,不要再吃炸、煎、炒的食物,并注意多补充蔬菜。



my name is xx i am in xxx middle school.i like drink milk because it is good for my healthy.and i like junk food too but i not often eat it .yuo see i look after my healthy about you?



英语作文 健康的饮食习惯

Healthy habitsHealthy habits can make your body healthy, for example: Zaoshuizaoqi every day. Without healthy habits will make your physical variation. Such as: eat contains a lot of calories every day.So in order to maintain a healthy habit.

